Tuesday, February 9, 2010

4 Cheese Risotto & Fun Gifts!

A fellow Hope College Alumn and one of my new blogging friends, Ashley, sent me a fun surprise that I got in the mail last nigh!.  Harry & David Four Cheese Risotto, Mango Chutney, and Blue Crab Bay Co. Chesapeake Bay Seasoning! I love Harry and David and love trying new seasonings (Blue Crab Bay Co. is a local place by Ashley).  I made 1/2 of the 4 cheese risotto last night for dinner with steak and my favorite Salad (but with regular tomatoes since heirlooms aren't in season).  It was delicious!

I am so thankful for fun treats, surprises in the mail, and a new blogging friend.  Thank you Ashley!  The risotto was delicious and I can't wait to use the bay seasoning and chutney!

Harry and David Four Cheese Risotto Mix
3 Tbsp Butter
3 cups Chicken Broth
1/2 cup white wine

1. Melt Butter in sauce pan on Med-Low heat. Add risotto and let it soak up the butter for a few minutes.

2.  Add wine and let soak into risotto.

3. Add ladle of broth to risotto let it soak up broth, stirring frequently. Repeat until broth has soaked and rice
has been cooked but still firm.


  1. YAY! So excited you blogged about the surprises and liked the risotto! I also notice that you used Kim Crawford Sauvingnon Blanc and I love that wine!! Do you get it at Costco? I am a HUGE SV Blanc fan and try a new one just about every week. :) I am excited to see how you use the chutney and seasoning, no pressure.

  2. We like Sauvingnon Blanc, and have recently be introduced to Kim Crawford wines! I will have to google some recipes to use the chutney with, it will expand my horizons!

  3. Also, no we didn't get it at Costco... can you believe I've never actually been to Costco?

  4. Insanely delicious, omg, you have to try this! :)
