Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bacon Wrapped Jalapenos

I'm actually not all about bacon like so many people seem to be these days, however I couldn't pass these up.  They are from the Pioneer Woman so I knew I couldn't go wrong.  I tried them out with my in-laws who love a little spice and they really liked them!  I actually cut the recipe in half, but I probably didn't need to, we could have probably eaten 40 of them they were so good!  These are perfect for a bbq, or maybe a 4th of July Celebration.

Make sure to be careful handling the Jalapenos, do NOT touch anything while handling them, especially your eye (not that I would know anything about the pain that would cause).  Pioneer Woman suggested using gloves, I may try that next time to save me from the pain.

Bacon Wrapped Jalapenos
From: The Pioneer Woman

20 whole fresh jalapenos, 2-3 inches
2 cubes Cream Cheese, softened
1 lb bacon, sliced into thirds

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cut Jalapenos in half, length-wise.  With a spoon, remove the seeds and white membrane (If you like it hotter, then leave some membrane or seeds).

2. Smear softened cream cheese into each jalapeno half.  Wrap jalapeno with bacon pieces (1/3 slice).  Secure by sticking a toothpick through the middle.

3. Bake on a pan with a rack in a 375 degree oven for 20-25 minutes. If after 20 min, the bacon doesn't look brown enough, just turn on the broiler for a couple of minutes to finish it off.  (I didn't uses a pan with a rack and they still turned out great)

4.  Serve immediately, or they are great at room temperature also!

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever made these? They look pretty good! We should try them sometime...
