Friday, September 17, 2010

Brussels Sprouts with Sweet and Spicy Maple Glaze

Brussels sprouts. When I think of them it evokes thoughts of a mushy, blah vegetable. Recently, I have seen them in the farmers market and that has made me want to find a recipe that would change my mind about the sprouts.  I found this recipe and thought "if this recipe can't do it for me, then I might just have to give up on Brussels sprouts."  Fortunately, I really liked the glaze. I also really liked the carrots in the mix.  You can see from the picture that my Brussels sprouts and potatoes were a little large.  It think next time I would use smaller of both so I can get a better glaze to veggie ratio in each bite! :)  It went great with some baked salmon and fresh made bread! 

Brussels Sprouts with Sweet and Spicy Maple Glaze
From: Low... and behold!

1 cup brussels sprouts
1 cup baby golden dutch potatoes
1/2 cup carrots - sliced
1 Tbsp vegetable oil

for glaze:
1/2 cup Pure Maple Syrup
1 Tbsp Red Wine Vinegar
1 tsp (or more) Red Pepper Flakes

1. Wash veggies, trim ends from brussels sprouts and remove outer leaves.  Slice potatoes in half and place in salted boiling water.  Boil for 8-10 minutes, until fork tender.

2. Meanwhile - Combine ingredients for glaze in a small bowl and whisk to combine

3.  Strain brussels sprouts and place in a bowl of ice-water.

4. In a saute pan, heat oil over medium heat and add brussels sprouts, potatoes, and carrots.  Pour in glaze and bring to a slow boil.

5. Reduce to medium-high heat and cook until glaze begins to reduce - about 15 minutes.  Serve.

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