Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Graham Turtle Bars

When I was in high school and college, I worked at an amazing candy store in my home town, called the Holland Peanut Store.  I loved working there not only because they had amazing candy and nuts, but because the people were so great to work for and with. If you are every in the area, you HAVE to stop in!
One of my favorite 'special occasion' treats I liked to get there were the giant cashew turtles. When I saw this recipe for Graham Turtle Bars from Cooking Ventures, it reminded me of the special treats and I had to make them.  They are fantastic!!!  Not quite as delicious as the Peanut Store, but super easy to make and a perfect treat! 

Graham Turtle Bars
From: Cooking Ventures

1 Sleeve Graham Crackers
7 oz, weight Caramels (1/2 of 14 oz Pkg)
4 Tbsp Butter
1 Tbsp Milk
8 Oz , weight Chocolate (Milk, semi-sweet, or dark)
1 cup whole cashews (salted or Unsalted)
Sea Salt for Sprinkling

1. Break each graham cracker in half to form squares.  Lay the squares side-by-side in a jelly roll pan.

2. In a microwave-safe bowl, add the caramels, butter, and milk  Microwave about 1 min 45 seconds( or until the mixture boils), stirring once very thoroughly during heating.

3. Immediately pour the hot caramel over the graham crackers. The caramel does not need to cover the entire graham cracker.

4. Sprinkle on the cashews - gently pressing them into the caramel to make sure they remain seated when the caramel cools.

5. In another microwave-safe bowl, add the pieces of chocolate.  Microwave on high until the chocolate melts - stirring it every 15 seconds. Using a fork, splatter the melted chocolate all over the bars.

6. Allow the mixture to cool about 10-15 minutes and then sprinkle sea salt on top of the bars if desired (I really liked the addition of sea salt)


  1. I didn't know you worked at the Peanut Store! So cool. These look uh-ma-zing!! I love carmel and nuts, this is such a yummy looking combo!

  2. Hey Elizabeth, was thinking of bringing these to a holiday party this weekend. Should I plan on making them immediately before or can they sit a while? Thanks!

  3. Hi Ashley - They can sit a while especially in an air-tight container, but I wouldn't make them more than a day early. They are still good after that, but not quite as fresh tasting.

  4. I think I like this one because it looks easy as 123 to make. I will definitely try it while the kids are watching...
