Saturday, November 20, 2010

French Toast Bites

When I saw this recipe for French Toast Bites on Tasty Kitchen, I knew I wanted to give it a try.  I thought they might be too sweet for Bill (who doesn't like anything too sweet for breakfast), but I'm glad that they turned out not to bee too sweet at all.  They mainly just tasted like little bits of French toast with a little bit more flavor.  I really liked them and they were pretty easy to make.

French Toast Bites
From crystalcozykitchen via TastyKitchen

6 slices bread
3 Eggs
3 Tbsp Milk
2 tsp ground Cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground Nutmeg
1 Tbsp Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp Butter, plus more to taste
Maple syrup to taste

1. Cut bread into bite-sized pieces (can use ends of bread)

2.  In a medium mixing bowl, beat eggs, milk, cinnamon, nutmeg and brown sugar until combined.  Toss bread cubes into egg mixture to coat.

3. In a medium skillet, melt butter over medium-high heat.  Add coated bread cubes and cook until well done.

4. Serve with melted butter and syrup.


  1. Sounds interesting. Did you cut the bread in triangles, quarters?

  2. I think I just cut them into cubes, but you can really cut them into whatever size you want.
