Monday, December 27, 2010

Tuna Pasta Salad

This salad is a recipe from my grandma Mimi.  She used to make this every Christmas and served it in the exact same bowl every year.  The same bowl I serve it in now. I like it most of all because it reminds me of her, but also because it is so tasty and a change of pace from all the heavy holiday foods.  It is also great for several days after when you have had it up to your ears in sweets!  Mimi was very special to me and I'm glad that every year at Christmas this recipe (and bowl!) reminds me of her.

Tuna Pasta Salad
From: Mimi

1 large can tuna (drained)
3 - 4 celery stalks (diced)
1/2 onion (diced)
1/2 green pepper (diced)
radishes for color (optional - I didn''t use them)
6-8 hard boiled eggs (chopped)
1 box small shells (boiled and drained)
1 small can baby peas
Mayo (to taste and consistency)
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Mix together all ingredients adding the boiled eggs and peas last.

2. Refrigerate for several hours. Sprinkle paprika on the top if desired and serve!

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