Monday, February 14, 2011

Red Velvet Cake

Last year I made a Red Velvet Cake for Valentine;s day.  I was going to post it, but to be honest, who wants a red velvet cake recipe the day after Valentine's day? So I was going to post it in time for this Valentine's day, but I realized I don't even remember what recipe I used!  Then I remembered the cake didn't turn out as great as I had hoped.  The cake ended up a little dry, and I added so much red food coloring and it still wasn't a red as I had hoped (although the homemade cream cheese frosting was as good as ever!).  So here is hoping your red velvet cake turns out better than mine! If you have a fool proof recipe for this, please let me know.  Happy Valentines Day!


  1. Costco has an amazing red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. It's my favorite recipe. :)

  2. Remind me to tell you sometime about the disastrous time I tried to make a red velvet cake for Steve for Valentine's Day... yours is WONDERFUL compared to mine!!! :)
