Friday, July 22, 2011

Easy Brown Sugar Baked Carrots

I like carrots, but I feel like other than eating them raw in salads or with dip, I never really know what to do with them. When we recently visited my brother he made carrots (and summer squash) like this recipe below and they were really good.  Sweet, but not overly sweet and cooked perfectly (I hate mushy carrots).  I have made them this way twice since then and I think it is safe to say this is my preferred method of making carrots now.

NOTE: you can substitute Olive oil instead of Butter but you will not get as good of a glaze at the end.

Easy Brown Sugar Baked Carrots
From: David

Brown Sugar
1 - 2 Tbsp Butter
Salt to taste

1. Clean Carrots and cut into desired size sticks.  Place on cookie sheet and cut 1 Tbsp into small chunks and place on Carrots.  Sprinkle with salt and brown sugar. 

2. Bake at 350 for 20 - 25 minutes depending on carrot size.  Remove from oven and turn oven to broil.  Add remaining Tbsp butter (cut into small chunks) and sprinkle again with desired amount of brown sugar to make it as sweet as you would like.  Broil for 3-5 minutes until carrots have a nice glaze.  Removed from oven and serve.

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