Saturday, July 16, 2011

Roasted Figs with Honey

I found some figs at the farmer's market last week, and even though figs aren't really native to IL, I figured I would give them a try.  I ate some of them raw, but wanted to cook up some as well to go with the cheeses we bought.  I found a bunch online, but since this is the only one that I had all the ingredients for in the house, it won.  It was delicious... but I feel like I can never go wrong with a cheese plate.

Roasted Figs with Honey
From: The Kitchen

(I cut this in half)
1 pint fresh figs
1/3 cup honey
4 large sprigs fresh rosemary or Thyme
Fresh cracked black pepper

1. Heat the oven to 375. Wash and stem the figs. Slice in half (or quarters like I did) and arrange cut side up in a baking dish. Drizzle the honey over top and cut the sprigs in half and tuck between the figs. Grind fresh pepper over everything.

2. Roast for about 10 - 15 minutes, or until the honey is just being to get dark and caramelized. The figs should not be too soft - you need to be able to pick them up with your fingers. Let cool for about 10 minutes before serving. Drizzle the juices and honey left in the baking dish over the figs.

As a side note - the cheeses below is one called Campo De Montalban... it was fantastic. one of our new favorites.

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