Thursday, September 15, 2011

Caprese Salad

Another recipe for all the tomatoes that have been growing!  I love Caprese in any way shape or form, but I like this one because it is nice and bite sized.

I learned how to make a balsamic glaze at my cooking class and I will definitely try that on my next caprese salad, because it tasted even better!

Caprese Salad
From: Elizabeth

Cherry or grape tomatoes
Fresh Mozzarella Balls (small)
Fresh Basil, chopped
Sea Salt and pepper
Olive Oil
Balsamic vinegar (or balsamic vinegar reduction)

1. Cut tomatoes and mozzarella in half (or quarters).  Place in a bowl and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Add Basil and drizzle with olive oil and Balsamic vinegar (or glaze).

- To make balsamic glaze/reduction heat balsamic vinegar and reduce by half.  Keeps for 1-2 months.

- I've also recently fell in love with this Alaea Sea Salt from Whole Spice when we were visiting my brother in California.  It is fantastic especially on tomatoes!

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