Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rustic Italian Cooking Class

Last week I went to a cooking class at Olives 4 You for Rustic Italian Cooking (found it through Groupon).  It was a great experience.  The chef was born in France, but his grandmother lived in Italy and taught him traditional Italian cooking.  It was an absolutely fantastic meal and I learned a lot of little technique hints in addition to the recipes.  One thing I learned is that Alfredo sauce is not actually a cream sauce.  It consists of only butter, Parmesan and pasta water.  And it was fantastic.  Of course with that much butter and cheese why wouldn't it be.  Here is a quick look at what he made and we ate (some don't have great presentation since most were just serving size for each person).

Caprese Salad (left) & Pan Seared Wrapped mozzarella with sun-dried tomato Bruschetta (right)

Ravioli Florentina with Crema Rosa Wine Sauce
(loved the egg yoke that broke into the sauce once cut open... not sure if I could actually make this work at home)

Traditional Fettuccini Alfredo
Sauteed Chicken Scallopini in Marsala wine sauce



  1. i am so jealous! i'd love to do something like that. everything looks so yum.

  2. I want to eat everything you made! Wow, so delicious! Are you going to post the chicken marsala recipe?
