Thursday, May 30, 2013

Turkey and Quinoa Burritos

I have to admit, these don't look all that great in my picture.  My poor photography skills combined with a camera I was trying to figure out, turned what was a delicious and filling meal into something with too much light and almost unappetizing to look at.  But I hope the picture won't deter you from trying this recipe.  It is a men's health recipe bill found and is super easy to make. 

Turkey and Quinoa Burritos
From: Men's Health
Prep time: 10 min
Cook time: 15 min

1 lb ground turkey
1 cup Quinoa
1/2 packet taco seasoning
Flour (or whole wheat) Tortillas
Greek yoghurt (or you could use low-fat sour cream)
Jalapenos, sliced (I used canned jalapenos)
Tomatoes, chopped
Black Olives, sliced

1. Cook Quinoa according to directions (usually rinse and bring to boil with 1 cup quinoa, 2 cups water, then simmer for 12-15 min).

2. Brown turkey in pan.  After cooked through add 1/4 cup water and 1/2 a packet of taco seasoning.

3.  While quinoa and turkey are cooking, slice olives, tomatoes, jalapenos.

4. When quinoa and turkey are done cooking, add quinoa to turkey and mix.  Serve on warm tortillas with choice of toppings.

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