Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What's for Lunch Wednesday: Greek Yogurt with Strawberries, Raw Honey, and Almonds

I've been trying to cut out sugar except for natural sugars like fruit and raw honey.  So when someone in my beachbody challenge group suggested the combo of greek yogurt, strawberries, almonds, and honey, I was all over it.  It is really tasty and sweet, plus it is really filling.  You can eat this with your lunch or as a snack in the morning or afternoon.  It keeps the craving for candy in the afternoon at bay!

What's for Lunch Wednesday: Greek Yogurt with Strawberries, Raw Honey, and Almonds
From: Elizabeth's Dutch Oven
Prep time: 5 min

1 cup (or one small container) plain greek yogurt
5-7 large strawberries, sliced
handful of almonds
1-2 Tbsp Raw Honey

1. Clean and slice strawberries

2. Place greek yogurt in a bowl and top with strawberries, almonds, and drizzle with honey.  Enjoy!

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