Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What's For Lunch Wednesday: Turkey, Goat Cheese, Peppers, and Avocado Roll Up

It is pretty well documented on this blog and with anyone who knows me that I don't really like bread (with a couple exceptions).  This idea from my Beach Body T25 nutrition book appealed to me since it is basically a sandwich without bread.. but I did change it up a little bit.  It was a nice combination of smooth in the goat cheese and avocado, salty in the turkey, and crunch in the peppers.  It was super easy to put together and filling (and easy to bring to work). You could easily add any veggies to this, but I liked this combo, although some red/yellow/orange peppers would make it a little more colorful! 

What's for Lunch Wednesday: Turkey, Goat Cheese, Peppers, and Avocado Roll Up
From: Elizabeth - inspired by BB T25
Prep time: 5 min

Sliced Turkey (preferably nitrate free)
Goat Cheese
Sliced Peppers (Any Color)
Avocado slices

1. Lay Turkey slices flat, spread a thin layer of coat cheese on turkey.

2. Place avocado and pepper on turkey and roll up turkey around them. Enjoy!

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