Thursday, July 23, 2009

Super Easy Supper

Last night I didn't feel like going to the store, but didn't have a whole lot of fresh stuff to make anything at home. So I remembered that Bill used to make this recipe he found from "A Man, A Can, A Plan," that was super easy, but I couldn't find the recipe and we didn't have the exact ingredients anyway so I came up with something else with the ingredients we did have.

It turned out pretty good. It doesn't have any meat, so if you need to have meat at dinner, this isn't for you. But this took all of 15-20 minutes from beginning of 'prep' to serving, and it made a lot - way too much for 2 people! Since I was just putting it together at the last minute, and didn't really have any idea how it would turn out, I didn't take any pictures... sorry about that!

Super Easy Supper

1 1/2 cup Instant Brown Rice
1 can corn (drained)
1 can black beans (I slightly drained mine with the lid of the can, but did not rinse)
1 can Ro*tel (do NOT Drain)
1 1/3 cup Water

1. In a large Sauce Pan, add rice, corn, Ro*tel, black beans, and water. Stir together.
2. Heat over medium-high heat until it comes to a boil. Cover and boil for 7-10 min.
3. Remove from heat and let sit 5 min.
4. Serve in a bowl or in taco shells. (if desired garnish with cilantro, sour cream, salsa, or avocado)

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