Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Party Potatoes

Growing up, probably the most requested recipe from us kids was my mom's party potatoes. They are a fancy version of mashed potatoes and they are so creamy and delicious!  I thought they would be a perfect side dish for my Pot Roast.  Since these are so delicious on their own, they don't really need to have the juice from the roast poured over them, but I did it anyway, and it was a delicious combo!  Mine didn't turn out quite as good as my mom makes them, but I think that is just how I feel about all of my mom's recipes... mom always makes it the best.

Party Potatoes
From: My Mom

8-10 potatoes
1 pkg (8oz) cream cheese (softened)
1 cup sour cream
garlic salt
Chives (optional)
1 Tbsp butter

1. Peel and quarter potatoes.  Boil until soft (about 20-30 min).  Drain.(tip from my mom... after draining, return to heat briefly to remove any remaining water - but make sure to watch it)

2.  Beat potatoes til smooth.  Add sour cream and cream cheese.  If it is too stiff, you can add some milk.

3. Season to taste with salt and garlic salt.  Add chives if desired

4. Spook into 2 quart casserole, dot with  butter and sprinkle top with paprika

5.  Bake uncovered for 30 minutes.

NOTE - you can make this ahead and keep in the refrigerator until needed.  If refrigerated bake for 60 minutes.  You can also freeze the dish.  Just thaw before baking.


  1. Aah- you're sweet! I think they look yummy! xoxo

  2. Oh my, these look incredible. I am so craving potatoes right now too.
