Friday, November 5, 2010

Rosemary Rolls

 Anyone who knows me  knows I am NOT a bread person. I don't eat a lot of bread with a few exceptions and usually eat it with a lot of stuff on top or dipped in things.  However, Bill likes bread (like most normal people do).  I hardly ever have bread in the house, and even more rarely ever make it.  In fact this recipe (anther one from the Pioneer Woman) is the first bread recipe I have posted. Sometimes though, a meal just begs for bread to be served with it.  Like the pot roast I made the other night.  I needed something to soak up all that delicious roast juice.  These were easy and quite tasty - Bill of course liked them more than I did, but that is probably just because of my aversion to bread.  I will definitely make these again.

Rosemary Rolls
From: The Pioneer Woman

Frozen unbaked Dinner Rolls (I used Rhode's)
Melted Butter
Fresh Rosemary - coarsely chopped
Coarse Sea salt

1. Spray a heavy round pan (or iron skillet) with cooking spray.  Place frozen rolls in the pan, leaving plenty of room for rising (I can usually fit 7 in mine).  Cover and allow to rise for 3-4 hours.

2. After rising, brush rolls with melted butter. Sprinkle on chopped rosemary. brush with additional butter and sprinkle with sea salt.

3. Bake according to roll package directions (usually 350 - 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes), until rolls are a deep golden brown on top.

4. Serve in pan or remove to serving plate - brush with melted butter if desired.

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