Thursday, December 15, 2011

Breakfast To Go

I usually just bring a hard boiled egg to work for breakfast (yes as my friends pointed out, I'm 'that girl' that brings and egg and stinks up the office), but occasionally I mix it up and make smoothies before work.  Until I get sick of the mess I have to clean up with the smoothies.  And every once in a while I want to branch out from my 2 old standby weekday breakfasts. This one caught my eye a while back on Tasty Kitchen.  I really enjoy the heartiness of these and the mixture of a bunch of different items.  These are a great fall back when I'm in a rut for breakfast ideas!

Breakfast To Go
From: matthewsfam via Tasty Kitchen

1 cup Fat Free Milk
1 Pinch salt
1/2 cup dry Whole-wheat Couscous
Frozen Mixed Berries
12 oz, weigh vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup granola

1. In a small saucepan, bring milk and salt just to boiling  stir in couscous.  Reduce heat and let stand, covered, or 5 minutes.

2. Divide couscous among six plastic cups or to-go containers with lids.  Top each with frozen berries and yogurt.

3. Cover and chill overnight. Top with granola before serving.


  1. Cous cous with fruit and yogurt? Not so sure about that one...did you taste it?

  2. I've made them several times and really enjoyed them! I was skeptical about the cous cous as well, but since it was made with milk, it tasted a little sweet and good with the yogurt & fruit!
