Friday, July 29, 2011



Last week, my sister, Carrie, and nephews were in town and while they were here I decided to host a Stella and Dot party.  Carrie is a Stella and Dot stylist and it was so much fun to have friends over and try on all her jewelry (and of course buy some for myself!). She also suggested we make a batch of 'Stellatinis' for the party.  We made a big pitcher of it and they turned out to be a really refreshing and light drink - perfect for an especially HOT week in Chicago.  Everyone said they were really tasty! I will definitely make this again and thought it would be fitting to post it today since it is my 30th birthday and this is a great drink to celebrate it with! Enjoy!

From: Carrie

1 jug Pink Lemonade (or Strawberry Lemonade)
1 1/2 - 2 cups sprite
1 1/2 - 2 cups Vodka

1. Mix Lemonade, Sprite, and vodka.  Serve with lemon for garnish, and if desired add sugar around the rim of the glass.

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