Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I decided to do a little updating to my blog. I figured in with the New Year, may as well do some cleaning in the ole blog.  Most people won't notice, but I felt it needed a little organizing/cleaning up.  People (also known as my mom) have mentioned sometimes it is hard to find a recipe they are looking for, so I added the search button at the top right to help.

I also added a title under the main recipe and listed who it was from, and if applicable, a link.  I did this for all of them, so it took a while, but hopefully it will help.  And if it doesn't help the 10 people who read this, it will at least help me. :)  I've been trying to add a facebook like/share button to the blog, but I haven't found just the one I want yet, but I have one up there for now!  I also got rid of a few things on the sides, but nothing anyone will miss! 

More recipes soon!  I tried a bunch over the Holidays and can't wait to share them!  In the mean time,  Here are some of the recipes I made over the holidays that are already on my blog!

Spicy Lemon Garlic Shrimp

Peppermint Pie

Tortilla Roll Ups

Pickle Wraps

Cilantro-Lime Chicken with Avocado Salsa (from My fresh avocados!)

Christmas Egg Casserole

Rosemary Rolls

Peanut Butter Bars

Frosted Mint Bars

Tuna Pasta Salad

White Chocolate Chex Mix

Mom's Rice Casserole

Huevos Rancheros (again with the avocados)

Some of Our New Years Eve Tapas Table!

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